
You deserve to be healthy and happy
Take control of your health today!

Your health is the foundation of your life

  • When we are healthy, we have more energy to focus on other areas of our life, such as our relationships, our career and our hobbies. 
  • When we are healthy, we are better able to cope with stress and challenges. 
  • Last but not least, we are more likely to live a long and fulfilling life when we are healthy.

Our program empowers you to improve your health

We understand that each one of us is unique, so we created a program which can be customized for your body, mind, and life. Our Integrated Good Health Program takes care of all aspects of your life. It will help you to make long-term, transformational changes, including weight loss.

Biology meets Psychology at the Integrated Good Health Program

The human body is a complex system, and its health and performance are affected by many factors, including our food habits, physical activity, sleep quality, and maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. 

Recent medical breakthroughs have revolutionized healthcare, but medical care alone cannot enhance health or sustain weight loss. To make lasting changes, we need to address the psychological factors that influence our behaviour.

That’s why Integrated Good Health Program

We understand that each one of us is unique, so we created a program which can be customized for your body, mind, and life. Our Integrated Good Health Program takes care of all aspects of your life. It will help you to make long-term, transformational changes, including weight loss.

Know our Program

We believe that health is essential for a good life. Therefore, at Smaarogya, we integrate every aspect of your living into our care. Our comprehensive approach addresses all aspects of well-being, from nutrition, exercise, and sleep to happiness and beyond.

Here’s how it works

A Holistic Health Assessment

Our health is affected by many factors, including our gender, age, lifestyle, genes, and current medical status. That’s why we take a holistic approach to your health assessment.

When a participant signs up for our Integrated Good Health Program, we start by conducting an in-depth and holistic evaluation of her health.  Knowing each individual as a whole person helps us to work out unique solutions for the unique beings, that each one of us is. 

A Holistic Health Plan that works

Our Integrated Good Health Program is designed to help you to achieve and maintain good health. We create personalized holistic health plans that take into account your individual needs, challenges, and goals. Through daily lessons and webinars, we provide the knowledge and confidence needed to make healthy choices every day.

We believe that holistic health is essential for overall well-being. That’s why our program addresses all aspects of our health, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

A Holistic Support for your health

Our qualified doctors are your medSaarthis (personal health charioteers) and will provide 1:1 support to help you reach your health goals. They offer practical tips and tricks for navigating challenges along the way. As mentors and guides, they help you set goals, create a workable action plan, and celebrate your successes.

With the help of our life habit tracking tool, our medSaarthis will help you maintain healthy habits and manage your health and weight for life. We provide resources, tools to stay on track, and ongoing guidance from our doctors to achieve success.

Ready to start your


Real Stories, Real Results
Hear What Our Patients Are Saying!

I am thankful to Smaarogya to help me understand how my daily habits have an impact on my health and how small changes can help me lead a better life.


My wellness consultation session with Dr Sujatha was an eye-opener. It helped me understand intake of water, food, air and the environment can have a huge impact on my physical and mental energy.


Smaarogya HRA assessment is a very useful health risk assessment tool to understand our health risks and change our lifestyle to make our health better. I have every family member of mine enrolled to get their online health assessment done.

Harish bhai

Smaarogya Health Assessment is a unique health assessment tool that captures participant members' basic vitals, daily routine, lifestyle habits, and family health history and accurately predicts the health risks. Would recommend everyone to get their assessments done regularly and consult the doctor with their report.

Dr. TKM Easwar Diabetologist